Culture Changes

In this post I want to look at those things that bring about changes in our culture. Those things which bring newness, and also those things which can be seen as old as in our spiritual nature that is Old As Time itself. Because sometimes those things seen as new in our society, such as our spiritual nature, is not really new at all [ as I believe) we are now more than ever waking up to the existence of our spiritual nature. I will speak about some things I believe taking place that are making all these discoveries such as our spiritual nature possible?

One aspect to consider is open-mindedness.

When you have a open mind it allows you to learn from different branches of life. Different teachings, different philosophies different learning etc..

A more open mind I believe allows for a more spiritual awareness. A more spiritual self, and most importantly a closer connection to our creator.

You are free to study as many branches of learning as you want.

Much like a tree has many branches so to take in the most sun thereby taking in more nutrition. So in my theory when we learn from many branches of Education it’s like a tree receiving more nutrition and becoming stronger and growing taller.

The invention of the internet has increased our intelligence awareness and knowledge exponentially. With the internet we can learn from different countries and cultures around the world. We can learn a vast amount of knowledge. With online social n networking it’s easy to speak to many people around the world. The internet gave us the ability to Social Network and learn more than we ever have. That is awesome!.

An open mind lends itself to having new learning and the internet provides a source to learn. The internet has a wealth of knowledge.

If you have read all the way through until you have reached this point right here.. thank you for hanging out with me for a little bit. I like being able to speak freely and say whatever comes to mind ( I’m writing using speak to type). Whatever I say the phone types. Sometimes the application here’s another word. Anyhow like I’m saying thank you for hanging out with me. I hope you’re doing well?
      As I’m saying we are learning more than ever. This is a really exciting time to be alive. Those things people once thought we wouldn’t never realize are becoming known. What is our purpose? I think one hint is contained in the sentence “what is our purpose?” It says “our” purpose. Something worked on together. I think our purpose is to part. A shared purpose improving the environment. And a individual purpose. That is for you to decide what is your individual purpose is?

There are many branches of learning. Many branches of life. This is a great time of life.
Thank you